








工程咨询 服务 和 Solutions >

March is uniquely qualified to provide a wide range of commercial 建设 consulting services. Our integrated teams can be engaged on a monthly retainer or by daily or hourly rates.

365体育平台 is a 工程咨询 Company operating in the New York/ 新泽西 Tristate Area.


One of the wisest steps you can take during your real estate development venture is talking to a seasoned 建设 consultant. 我们提供按小时收费的专家建议. March will offer practical recommendations for the unique challenges that your project may face.  这将有助于按时在预算内完成你的项目.


Are you tired of playing phone tag 和 pushing through corporate levels just to reach the person in charge? 在三月,我们认真对待你的业务. 我们是家族企业,周一至周五上午9点至下午5点营业. 只要打个电话就能得到援助. 


Commercial real estate development can be complex, time-consuming, 和 costly. 当你咨询March建筑专家的时候, 我们会讨论你的情况, 分析事实和数据, 并提出解决方案,实现你的发展梦想. 



We document all our projects with photography 和 drone videography 和 update them to our Company 365足彩下载 page.



You can count on March for the best 建设 consulting services in the New York, 新泽西大都市区.

Do you have in-depth questions about commercial 建设 和 real estate development? March’s experts have been building in New York (NYC) 和 新泽西 for over 35 years. Our 建设 specialists have practical answers for you 和 can help in numerous areas, 包括预算和风险管理. We have deep insights into in warehouse/industrial, multifamily residential, hospitality 和 more. 

我们在前期施工方面有深厚的专业知识, 设计/建造, 总承包服务, 及施工管理. 三月提供优秀的项目设计专业资源, 资本计划, 基础设施开发, 允许, 项目管理, 建设, 环境问题, 技术问题.

We have managed thous和s of varied commercial development projects across New York City, 纽约州, 新泽西, 和宾夕法尼亚州. 访问 我们的投资组合 to see the various projects we have successfully completed.

作为我们的客户,您永远是我们最优先考虑的. We take pride in working with you to complete your project on time 和 on-budget. 我们知道我们的声誉取决于你方的满意. That is why we have been able to earn many client referrals 和 be invited back by clients for 建设 consulting services. 请看下面我们提供的一些服务.

The owner 和 CEO of March has h和s-on involvement in our 建设 projects. We have over 35 years experience building commercial in the 新泽西 和 New York Metropolitan area. 我们团队的经验是首屈一指的. March的核心价值观之一是优先考虑客户的成功 和我们一样高. 这也是我们客户留存率高的原因之一.

我们有能力进行开放式车间或工会建设. 目前,我们积压的80%是开放式GMP合同关系. 我们鼓励并享受公开书籍带来的透明度. 点击阅读更多 365体育平台我们 or 我们的团队 或者继续滚动阅读更多365体育平台我们的建筑咨询服务. 

10个主要原因 选择三月进行施工管理咨询: 


See below for a list of 建设 和 consulting-related services March provides. 我们还提供设计-建造, 施工前, 网站开发, 及其他施工管理相关服务. 请参阅我们的主要服务页面, 在这里. 

问题 & 答案


March specializes in the ground-up 建设 of various commercial building types. This includes warehousing, residential apartments, hotels / hospitality, 和 more. We have been building large-scope developments in all categories for over 30 years. 大多数项目的起步都在2000万美元以上. 
看看 我们的投资组合 查看已完成的项目亮点. 访问 我们的博客 查看当前正在进行的所有项目. 


一旦你选择了我们作为你的GC,是时候考虑你的付款合同了. 三月可以提供 一次性付款,成本加费用,保证最大,价格(GMP), GMP成本加节约-什么合同最适合你. 3月很乐意咨询和 建议; we can do whatever makes the most sense for your business. 


We have served as a commercial general contractor for real estate development projects throughout New York, 新泽西, 还有三州, 大都会(纽约)地区超过30年. 来看看! March was listed as one of the best Commercial 总承包商s in Paterson, 新泽西. 请看这里 总承建商杂志. 我们还被列入"基业长青"名单 NJBIZ


我们的项目通常至少从2000万美元开始. March places importance on providing quality service 和 only takes on projects that are substantial 和 within our resources. If your project is significantly below this number, a smaller contractor may be of better assistance.


我们为从企业到私人投资者的所有人提供服务. 在房地产开发过程中有许多项目需要处理, 除了不可避免的挑战和不可预见的情况. 您可以在我们的专业机构中得到安慰, 细致入微, 以及良好的行业关系. 没有什么是理所当然的, 和 we know our reputation rests on your satisfaction at the end of your commercial 建设 project. 

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